At first it was the unwoven canvas it was 1968 and it was imperative to start afresh), then came the pieces of work made with leftovers from the textile processing: webs of unwoven yarn that would be laid out in a strong a dynamic body, with light turning on its colours and dashes of emptiness.
Towards the end of the eighties, while the artist was drawn to the immaterial, he developed shapes that were more empty than full, that broke away from the matter and towards what is missing or fading away. This is how the shadows-in-the-net were born, or the shadows caught in a wire net that makes them forever visible on the city walls, thereby leaving a human mark on them.
the shadow
This is an interactive installation that is also a process: an unsuspecting passer-by triggers a flashlight that blows his/her shadow onto a canvas that would hold it for a long time. Then, this exuded and emancipated shadow will be introduced to the passer-by as an other self.
Mario Martinelli